• “After experiencing deliverance through Blaze Deliverance Ministry, my understanding of the bible rose to a new level, even though I have been walking with the Lord for over 30 years. I also have a new feeling of peace and lightness in my soul that I cannot explain. Since my deliverance, I am no longer procrastinating like I use to, my walk with God is definitely closer and stronger. Praise the Lord!”

    — Kavitha, Pennsylvania

  • “I’m so thankful, for my deliverance through Blaze Deliverance Ministry! My deliverance had helped me to understand root causes of many problems and challenges I was facing in my life. I began to see the TRUTH in God’s Word and began to understand how to claim God’s promises through faith. After my deliverance, I became a new man. I now experience peace, joy and a greater desire to pursue righteousness!”

    — Jayson, New Jersey

  • “My Deliverance through Blaze Deliverance Ministry started during the conference segment that is held prior to the administration of deliverance, when God used the session to highlight areas of unforgiveness in my heart, which caused me to make a decision to forgive myself for past mistakes and other people that I had unforgiveness towards. Since my deliverance I have been more patient with my husband and children, and by the grace of God, I do not allow my anger to rise out of control anymore. I also have a clearer and more focused mind. Now, I recognize when the enemy is trying to attack my mind, and without hesitation, go right into prayer! In addition, it is easier for me to see my family and others, through the eyes of God in every circumstance and I am able to forgive offenses faster now than before!”

    — Linda, New Jersey

  • "Growing up, my grandmother taught me Islam. But by a mere miraculous act of God, Jesus got a hold of my life at 16 years old and I made a decision to follow Him. I was the only follower in my household at that time, so the Lord taught me much as I grew in faith. However, although I knew I had the gift of salvation, I experienced many challenges, including mental oppression in my thoughts and particularly suffered from fear and anxiety. In addition, I constantly spoke negatively; listened to much secular music and allowed myself to watch whatever my flesh desired. After experiencing deliverance through Blaze Deliverance Ministry, I had a stronger desire to do everything in my power to honor God. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, I began to have more control over sinful habits I formerly engaged in and allowed to enter my temple, whether it was the words I spoke; the things I watched or listened to. Now I am aware of the power and authority that Jesus has given me and have started to walk in it, in this season of my life!"

    — Natasha, Pennsylvania

  • "After experiencing deliverance through Blaze Deliverance Ministry, as a longtime believer, I have been challenged in my prayer life and have become excited to grow in my faith. Now I feel empowered in the area of spiritual warfare. Although I have attended church for over twenty years, I realize that I do not have to fear engaging the enemy in battle. I am now empowered to fight in the area of spiritual warfare because I understand my authority in Christ! I am able to see more clearly the sneaky lies of the devil and embrace truth as I keep walking out my newly found freedom! I am truly honored to have experienced deliverance and blessed to partner with Blaze Deliverance Ministry team members, who are walking earnestly, in the path of freedom. As the days go by, I continue to experience more and more breakthroughs in my health, since, doctors have told me there was nothing more they could do for me! Thankfully Jesus has a better report! Riddled with pain and nearly DEAD at 69 pounds, God has already shifted my digestive system to receive much more nutrients and I’ve gained almost 10 pounds within one month of initiating the deliverance process with Blaze Deliverance Ministry, after years of eating baby and puréed food! My body was also very weak and fragile and I was holding it up with sports tape for many years and now, I have not had not one piece of tape on my body since the day of my deliverance! I am waiting with great anticipation, to see what’s around the next corner. Certainly, "I will live and not die,” says the Lord, who heals me".

    — Heather, New Jersey

  • “Before my deliverance, through Blaze Deliverance Ministry, I struggled a lot with my thoughts and suffered greatly from anxiety. I had trouble sleeping and experiencing proper rest because my mind was always racing. To best describe it; I was in a constant state of distress. I was also experiencing a very challenging season, where I felt very discouraged about my life and sometimes found it difficult to get through the day. After my deliverance with Blaze Deliverance Ministry, my peace was restored and I no longer had racing thoughts and trouble sleeping. I also began to hear God’s voice more clearly. Connecting with Blaze Deliverance Ministry, opened up my understanding of deliverance and spiritual warfare. I was able to look back on the difficult season and gain clarity on many things that I have been struggling through. God gave me so much revelation about why things happened the way they did. In fact, I wish I knew then, what I know now! In addition, I have had many breakthroughs in my prayer life; regaining the strength to fight and learning how to pray warfare prayers. I now feel refreshed and empowered to push forth in God’s calling on my life.”

    — Rebekah, New Jersey

  • For a long time, my family and I were held in bondage, and we did not realize it. Our family experienced ongoing setbacks in everything we attempted and had a cloud of anti-progress that hung over us for many years. Upon talking with a spiritual leader in my church, I was encouraged to start my deliverance journey. And it turned out to be one of the best decisions that I have ever made in my life! I grew up in a Christian and pastoral family. So, the thought of being demonically oppressed or in bondage never cross our minds, because we thought, since, we are a Christian family of leaders, there is no way we could be in bondage or experience demonic oppression. However, after I took a Deliverance Class with Blaze Deliverance Ministry, God started to reveal many hidden truths to me, and brought many family secrets to the surface. As a result, I found out that there was an ancestral spirit in my family that was responsible for much of the struggle and stagnation we were experiencing, among other things. God also revealed that there was a spirit of premature death in my family. And at that time, I had a young and healthy uncle, who passed away unexpectedly. The Spirit of the Lord further revealed that other family members would die who were given as sacrifices in the witchcraft practices of my ancestors. Prior to the actual day of my deliverance, we had three-days of fasting and prayer. On every prayer watch, God revealed more and more things that I needed to be set free from. During the final prayer watch at Mid-night, I saw a vision of the spirit of death, hovering over my family. As I prayed with Blaze Deliverance Ministry team to break the spirit of death, later, from my father’s confession, I realized that the prayers caused the spirits that would attack my father in his sleep to flee. Since then he has been sleeping much better. On my deliverance day, God encountered me in a powerful way. I was set free from so many things, including depression, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, fear, unreasonable suspicion of people; lukewarmness and carnality, just to name a few. In fact, the next day, when I went to church, I realized that the unjustifiable suspicion I had of others was gone. I felt the peace and freedom of God. My desire to worship to God in spirit and truth had been changed instantaneously. For the first time in my Christian journey, I experienced authentic worship. I felt the presence of God and a greater awareness of His love for me. Since my deliverance, my hunger and thirst for prayer and the Word of God have increased tremendously! I am so grateful. I give Glory to God for Blaze Deliverance Ministry and the team that walked me through my deliverance journey. My life has been changed! Thank you Jesus and thank you Blaze Deliverance Ministry!

    — Denise, New Jersey